Increase sales with customer

management tools

Remember that customer retention is one of the most important drivers of online store sales.
Encourage customers to return by providing plenty of benefits like coupons and rewards.

Offer Social Logins

Make it easier to sign up or log in to your store

Offering easy access is the start to building a lasting relationship with your customers.

Add Single Sign-Ons

Offer Single Sign-On (SSO) for a more convenient sign up and log in process. Providing easy social logins to major platforms like Facebook, Google, and Apple will enable more customers to sign up as members.

Manage your customers

Build customer loyalty through
customized marketing campaigns

Draw insights from customer purchase data to hold effective promotional campaigns

Plan a wide range of promotions by analyzing data like customer visit counts, order amounts, order frequency, and more. Delivering promotions that are in tune with customer needs can influence sales growth.

Segment your customer management

Systemize your customer relationship management by grouping customers by shopping activity. Identify their purchase cycles and store activities to categorize them as new, returning, or inactive customers.

Use automatic notifications

Notify customers about sign ups,
order status, and marketing events

Send automatic emails

Set up your email to send coupons and rewards to your customers automatically. Initiating active communication encourages customers to revisit your store. Drive conversions by regularly informing customers about promotions like discount events. 

Ecommerce Marketing Hosting